美國前總統川普二度遇刺!嫌犯持 AK-47 步槍企圖暗殺反遭活逮
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- 时间:2024-09-16 14:00:15
- 4268人已阅读
美國前總統川普 15日下午在佛州西棕梠灘的「川普國際高球俱樂部」打球時,疑似再度遭遇槍擊暗殺未遂。據報導,特勤人員排查時發現了一名持有 AK-47 步槍的嫌犯,隨即便朝嫌犯開火,但該嫌犯並未被當場制服,而是棄槍逃逸後在附近州際公路落網。
BREAKING: Secret Service agents shot suspect at Trump's golf course after they saw a rifle poking out of bushes.The suspect was hiding in the bushes with an AK-47 with a scope, two backpacks, and a GoPro.Here is a reported picture. pic.twitter.com/PTYuhF1880
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) September 15, 2024紐約時報與福斯新聞網援引未具名消息人士的來源聲稱,該嫌犯是58歲來自夏威夷的魯斯(Ryan Wesley Routh),是一名極左派人士,去年曾多次表達支持烏克蘭及台灣。不過,嫌犯身份被揭露之後,X 平台與臉書都已將其帳號封鎖,不允許外界瀏覽。
BREAKING: Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook just interfered in the 2024 election by wiping Ryan Routh's accountUsers can no longer access the page to see all his anti-Trump and pro-Kamala-Biden postsDid the FBI order them to? pic.twitter.com/kLuq594SzD
— George (@BehizyTweets) September 15, 2024而川普本人事後也透過聲明向媒體表示,他安全沒事,並聲稱沒有任何事情能阻止他,他絕不會投降。